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Вакансия PHP/JS programmer (remote job, whole Ukraine)

з/п по договоренности
Днепропетровск, 04.03.2019 web-hosting is looking for experienced PHP/JS developer to join our friendly team!

The biggest free hosting in Poland has been available in Ukraine for almost 3 years with project. We have over 500 000 accounts on Polish side and more than 50 000 on Ukrainian side.

We have very ambitious plans to grow further and a big friendly international team.

We opened a new project recently. It is related to cryptocurrencies.

Your job as a Developer will be to develop our products.

Main language: English.


- PHP5;

- Javascript, Jquery, Ajax;

- Symfony 4;

- Bootstrap;


- SQL;

- Linux;

- Git.


- Python;

- Graphics design.


- adding of new or changing of current functionality in the control panels of our products;

- keeping our website modern and fresh;

- cooperation with system administrators.

Salary depends on the performance and skills.

Bonuses for success of the project are guaranteed.

We use Gitlab for development purposes, Redmine for project management and Rocket.Chat+ for everyday communication.

Working conditions:

Remote, Full time.

If you seek for a part-time job, please notify about it while applying.

Please send us your CV on English and provide your Skype login.

We will contact you directly and run interview in text format via Skype.

Also check other vacancies that we offer on our website


Abc Hosting Ltd

Описание деятельности: 

We are ABC Hosting Ltd., we’re offering hosting services in several languages aimed at regions like Ukraine, Venezuela, Uganda, Nigeria, Poland and United Arab Emirates. We’re currently expanding our services to other countries around the world. Recently, we decided to introduce a new cryptocurrency project creating a new way to gain profit from websites traffic, you can learn more about it at and

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