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Резюме Переводчик в офис

з/п от 6000 грн

Запорожье, 20.01.2017

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Personal Details

Contact Information:

Adress: Lunacharskogo str., 7 / fl. 711; Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Telephone:  097-047-17-70


Date of birth: 19 October 1993

Place of birth: Zaporizhzhia

Marital status: unmarried; no children

Objective: employment in the education sector, applying for the position of  English and German teacher, foreign literature teacher in the institutions of the elementary and secondary level of education.


2010 – 2015 – Zaporizhzhia national university, the faculty of foreign linguistics, Speciality: Language and literature (English – the 1-st; and German – the 2-nd language).

Qualification: English and German teacher, foreign literature teacher in the institutions of the elementary and secondary level of education; the laboratory assistant of the educational institutions; resource teacher, assistant administrator in the area of activity.

The certificate of appreciation: the award for the first division in the German academic competition among Zaporizhzhia national university students.

School practice:

February (2014): English school practice in the Classical lyceum № 79;

September (2014): German school practice in the school of the humanitarian field №25;

Student teaching practice:

21. 11. 2016 ̶ 17. 12. 2017  ̶  the English master teaching practice in the Economic-law college of the Zaporizhzhia national university.

Professional experience:

01.  09. 2015 ̶ 30. 09. 2015 ̶ the English teacher for pupils of the 1-st ̶ 11-th forms at the school of Jurivka of the Primorskiy district of Zaporizhzhia region.

Skills: native Ukrainian and Russian, fluent speaker in English and German, fundamental knowledge in French, Arab; PC-trained: typing.

Контактное лицо: 

Бабич Владислава Виталиевна


