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Работа в компании The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (“Chamber”) is among the most active and effective non-government, non-profit business organizations operating in Ukraine. One of the Chamber’s principal activities is to represent the foreign investment community as well as to facilitate the entrance of potential new investors into this market. The Chamber advocates on behalf of the Membership, who are from more than 50 nations across the globe, not only to the Ukrainian government, but also to all other governments, which are economic partners of Ukraine, on matters of trade, commerce, and economic reform. The Member organizations of the Chamber represent the largest strategic and institutional investors operating in Ukraine who have committed a majority of the foreign direct investment into this market. The Chamber’s diverse Membership base unites companies from a variety of regions and countries, including North America, Europe, Asia, Russia, and Ukraine.

Город: Киев
Кол-во сотрудников: до 50
Телефон: 044 490 5800

Вакансии в компании The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine

Вакансия Зарплата Компания Город Дата публ.
Policy Coordinator
по договоренности The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Киев 19.08.2010